Saturday 20 May 2023

Maiden voyage


Single reefed, sailing up towards the Orwell Bridge
This was a perfect start, sailing with friends from Suffolk Yacht Harbour, up the River Orwell - actually part of a Drascombe Association rally, but just joining for the day.

Winds were NE F4 gusting upwards.  Rigging and launching went remarkably smoothly, with help from others, and utilising the launching cable on the steep slipway at SYH.

Ready to launch

Once launched, annoyingly little room for temporary berthing while parking car and trailer.

Double-reefed main - the sail has three reefing points.  For a first sail, I wasn’t exactly throwing caution to the wind…

Other participants at close quarters…

Beached for lunch opposite Freston Park
The return trip to SYH was reassuringly fast, and she held up well through the gusts.  The boat is stable and glides smoothly through the water.

A reassuring first sail; looking forward to future trips!